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Must be included via require.

To instantiate a bigint, you can call the function, or use the new operator.


  1. The decimal value of the bigint.
local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint("123")) --> 123

bigint.tostring, __tostring

As seen above, the __tostring metamethod provides a string representation of the Bigint in decimal.


Provides a hexadecimal representation of the Bigint.

local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint("420"):hex()) --> 1A4


Provides a binary representation of the Bigint.

local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint("420"):binary()) --> 110100100

bigint.add, __add

Adds two bigints together. Returns a new bigint.

bigint.sub, __sub

Performs subtraction on two bigints. Returns a new bigint.

bigint.mul, __mul

Performs multiplication on two bigints. Returns a new bigint.


Performs division on two bigints. Returns two new bigints: quotient and remainder.

local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint(10):div(new bigint(3))) --> 3 1


Performs division on two bigints. Returns a new bigint with the quotient.

local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint(10) / new bigint(3)) --> 3

bigint.mod, __mod

Performs divison on two bigints. Returns a new bigint with the remainder.

local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint(10) % new bigint(3)) --> 1

bigint.pow, __pow

Performs expontentiation on two bigints. Returns a new bigint.

local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint(2) ^ new bigint(10)) --> 1024


Returns the position of the most significant set bit as a plain integer.

local bigint = require "pluto:bigint"
print(new bigint(420):bitlength()) --> 9